My BlogPal (I think I am going to Trademark that term) Maddie Grant wrote a post about her encounter with Associations Now magazine . Then she followed up with a post about the Keen Article after being challenged by Acronym's Scott Briscoe . So, here is my take on the whole thing now that I have had a chance to read it. Keen is mostly worried that we will accept information as fact that isn't. Primarily, as an expert in an area, he is afraid you will believe someone else with less credentials over him. Web 2.0 doesn't vet knowledge, credentials, and status like traditional media. He likes the old way. It works for him. I understand that. It worked for years. However, it also meant that people that weren't necessarily experts, but that had bits of really good knowledge, never got to share them. Well, now they can. A lot of what you find on Web 2.0 is crap. I agree. But in the long run, it vets itself. Pages with total garbage get fewer views and go away. T...