One of my regular blog reads is the Dilbert Blog. Having worked in corporate cubes and lived the movie "Office Space," I enjoy Scott Adams. His latest post on Career Advice got me thinking:
Which 2-3 things should someone be good at (top 25%) in order to make a great association person?
Here are my three (in no particular order):
1. Listening
2. Communication (written/verbal)
3. Organization/Detail
Honorable mention goes to Creativity.
Which 2-3 things should someone be good at (top 25%) in order to make a great association person?
Here are my three (in no particular order):
1. Listening
2. Communication (written/verbal)
3. Organization/Detail
Honorable mention goes to Creativity.
Leading while appearing to be led. (aka servant leadership)
Forging ahead when clear strategic direction fails to materialize from on high.